So, I did something I thought I would never do again... I joined Weight Watchers. I tried it once before with my friend "D" but lasted one session. The name "Fat Class" stuck though. I don't know if it was me growing up and being in a different mind frame or Jennifer Hudson and her catchy jingle that made me give it a 2nd chance. Either way, here I am.
I'm probably not the BEST student... I don't track my meals as I should but come on! I don't need my IPhone judging me because I ate a slice of pizza! I'll keep that gem for myself! But I do occasionaly and when I do, I feel better. I guess thats the point right? Notice how much shit you actually shove in your mouth and make the appropriate changes. And guess what---Fat Class worked. I lost 1.4 pounds! Not a huge amount but enough to keep me on track. Hopefully next week, I'll have a bigger number...fingers crossed! (That burns calories, right?--haha)
As for FuckFace.. it has been 1 whole week since I spoke to him and almost 2 since I have seen him. That's a pretty long time if you know us. Last time we spoke, he told me he no longer "cares about me and is moving on." And I answered right back with a "Go ahead." That last conversation made me realize that he NEVER cared about me. And I cried. I cried for about 15 minutes straight--in my car--during my lunch--like a mental case. But I needed that cry. I needed to let it all out and realize that it's actually over this time. We have emailed a few times since then... I open up to him and he responds with "Well what have you done for ME?" Is this kid for real? He has GOT TO BE JOKING.
I feel like I am changing. Im growing up. Wow that sounds SUPER cheesy! But it's true. As the Millioniare Matchmaker says... Find 5 things you want in a man and if he doesn't meet them... then say goodbe. Maybe FF met my 24 year old girl criteria, but not as a 34 year old woman. I love him, I do! but I have to let him go. It's going to take awhile, but I know I can do it. My heart may be broken...but it has been pleanty time before. I will bounce back... I always do. If I can give Fat Class a 2nd chance... I can do that for love too.
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