Sunday, February 6, 2011

And the hits just keep on coming...

Seriously? I thought this breakup could not get worse. Boy was I wrong. Let me tell ya a little story I call "Trailer Park Hook-up"

So I still have the password to FF's email because he is on my AOL account. He told me a long time ago that he doesn't read it and that I can go in whenever and delete them all.  So as I was checking mine last night, I noticed that he had like 300 emails. So I decide to delete them and what so I spy with my crazy stalker eye???  A notification from facebook that he got an email from someone named "TRAILER TRASH" (names have been changed to protect the fugly) So I open it...and it says a little something like this..."You left a mark on my neck! My daughter came over last night and saw it and asked how old I was. Im gunna kill you! LOL" (with WAY MORE spelling and punctuation errors.) ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????

So IMMEDIATELY I log on and check this chick out... but she is super private. So my friend steps up to the plate and FRIENDS her! And after a few bogus lies...she accepts her. And OH MY! This lady...and I am using that term LIGHTLY... is 44! And... ready... wait for it... is MISSING HER FRONT TOOTH!!! 

I know it was probably a late night drunken hook-up----for his sake.. Im crossing my fingers and toes that is all it was! But I started crying my eyes out after I read it. I know that it is over, but I guess this was just a shock. I thought if I wasn't willing to put up with his shit.. no one would. I don't want him back.. but I was hoping no one else did either.

I may have had a few smooches in the past couple of weeks... but I'm sure as shit not leaving hickie's on wrinkled Trailer trash necks AND getting emails about it!  I sent him a nasty email. I no longer care what I say to him. he obviously has no idea how much he has hurt me and he obviously does not care. But I am worried about him. Is he never going to grow up? Is this Trailer set his new group of friends??? 

I am going out today for a few drinks for the Superbowl and I know myself....after a few drinks I am going to want to go to where I know he is and confront him. But WE ARE BROKEN UP. And I need to let that sink in. I hope I will listen to my friends when they tell me that is a BAD IDEA to see him. But maybe I just want to go and give him a new toothbrush for his lady...since I'm guessing she needs it....


  1. What does she need a toothbrush for if she has no teeth?

    But seriously though, folks... I'm sorry to hear about this. I totally freaked too the first time I saw my ex-husband with a new chick... and I didn't even have the benefit of calling her "trailer trash" because she seemed like a decent girl... even if she was a ::insert cuss-word here:: for snatching up my ex husband...

    Stopping in from LBS and wafting peace-of-mind in your general direction!

  2. Thanks! I know it was hard because it was the first time I actually knew he hooked up with someone new. Hoping it gets easier.... Guess that's why they are EX's, huh? LOL

  3. hello fellow Lady blogger. oh man that hurts. I kind of know how you feel from past experiences. You don't whant the bastard back but you don't want anyone else to have him either.
    Stay strong and stay away from his mess.
